Echo Featherstone is a certified Triple P - Positive Parenting Practitioner specializing in Early Education, Resources, and Family Support. Echo's workshops, programs, and seminars for Ontario families promote physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. Here at Modern Parenting, Echo provides parents with up to date knowledge and information that empowers them to make the best informed, intuitive choices for their families.
Got a parenting Question?
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You ask. Echo answers.
Hey Echo,
Do you punish your kid for pushing their boundaries on purpose? Like mine is 1.5yo. He knows he is not allowed on the stairs... but sometimes he will stare me down, walk over to the steps and sit on the bottom stair with his sly look on his face. He knows he is not allowed in the kitchen.. so sometimes he will reach his hand to touch the inside wall in the kitchen or just out like a little piece of his foot in the kitchen. While he stares at you cause he knows better.
Do you ignore these little things, or punish them?
Hey Echo,
My wife is 29 weeks pregnant, works full time, plus we have 2 kids- so weeknight sex is probably out of the question. But the weekend rolls around and usually nothing. Sometimes we go 2 or 3 weeks and when we do it’s usually just a “quickie.” Am I the only one who’s passionate?
I know sex isn’t everything, but I sit there and think about it all before I go to sleep, I can’t help but think is this what I’m in for for the rest of my life ?
Hey Echo,
How do you handle porn? I want to not care if my partner watches it but then when I find out I get why watch that fake shit when you can have me. He knows it makes me uncomfortable so he stopped, but now i feel bad and I don't want to take anything away from him...He wants to watch it together but i just don’t..
Hey Echo,
Welp. Today is officially the day I cry over my body 😑 after having 3 kids nothing is the same. The most upsetting part is my chest. I was never “big chested”, but I had a little bit of something so I didn’t look like a teen pre-puberty. My boobs are now literally non-existent, to the point that an A cup bra is too big 😭 I can’t wear tank tops or loose fitted shirts without getting completely self conscious of my chest. I can handle the stomach bulge, larger thighs than I’m used to, and a butt that’s more wide than it is “full”, but my chest is where I draw the line 😞.
Made popular by sleep experts and parents, infant sleep machines (ISM's) have become "must-haves" on baby registries and wish lists. But are they safe? A team of researchers set out to determine how loud these devices are and what impact they may have on a babies' hearing and auditory development.
Amazing! Baby is here. You made it through delivery, your heart has swelled (and maybe your feet, too), you've chosen a name, and you're ready to settle into your new life at home. Here's what you need to know in the first week.
In part one of our four part sleep guide, we cover 4 essential thing to keep in mind before you start sleep training.
As little ones transition from babies to active toddlers, they are usually on the go nonstop from morning until night! Toddlers will actually need more nutrients per pound of body weight to fuel all this energy. But still, their tummies are still small, that is why it is more important than ever to fill each meal with nutrient rich ingredients to make every bite count…
Home-made baby food is the bomb. It's nutritious, cheap, and way easier than you might think. Follow these 10 rules to make sure your little one's chow is healthy and safe!
Steaming fresh vegetables helps to retain their nutritional value. Always remember to wash veggies, even if they will be peeled before steaming. Removing the peel from the carrots does not impact their nutritional value. Most of their nutrients lie just below the skin.
Fruits that contain pectin, such as apples, pears, peaches, nectarines and plums, should be cooked before feeding to babies younger than six months. Cooking these fruits help break down the pectin, making it easier for babies to digest. Try different combinations of fruits, such as plum and peach or apple and pear!
Did you know that babies have more taste buds than adults? Luckily, these little taste receptors are highly adaptable. In fact, research shows that the more times babies are exposed to a food or flavour, the more likely they are to except it and even develop a preference for it. It takes a baby to try a new food up to 10 times before they decide if they like it or not. TEN TIMES! so, during this stage, when your baby is learning to eat new foods and textures, you have a great opportunity to teach your child to love delicious, wholesome foods! The recipes in this section provide a wide variety of nutrient rich ingredients and fresh flavours to grow on!
Your baby's such an amazing sleeper! But suddenly started waking up several times a night and crying. Do you suspect that teething is the culprit? How do you know if this is really the case, and what can you do to help your baby feel better and sleep better? Don't worry. You're not alone, and we have answers.
Is your baby or toddler having trouble falling asleep? Staying asleep? Is he sleeping at odd hours making it hard for you to function? You're not alone. Far from it. Sleep disturbances can be one of the most overwhelming issues for both kids and parents. Check out our all about sleep guide for info, tips and strategies.
Ear infections are quite common in young children, because their ear tubes are short, wide, and horizontal, giving bacteria from the nose and throat access to the ears. But don't worry. Follow our tips to identify, get treatment and prevent future ear infections.
Unfortunately, tooth trauma in kids is very common. I guess it makes sense with all the running and jumping and horsing around. Check out our guide for dealing with mouth injuries for babies, toddlers, and older kids, too.
Parent’s need their kids to get a good night’s sleep just as much as children do, to ensure their own needs are being met, and to get some freakin’ time alone, okay?! GOD! Just go to bed!... pleasssseeeeee. BUH!
This educational article was written to help parents, caregivers and families understand ADHD. To share current research and thinking on ADHD, it’s diagnosis and treatment.
The years from age 3 to 6 are an emotionally turbulent time. Your child may swing between extremes: He wants more independence, but he suffers from separation anxiety. Now more than ever, it's important for you..
Most parents can't wait until their child no longer needs diapers! There is added pressure and advice from relatives, friends and other parents that boast, but the reality is, children potty train when they are ready. Here's how to know if your child is ready, and tips to help them ace the transition from potty to big kid toilet!
This is a checklist designed to help monitor your child's development. The areas of development in this checklist include vision, hearing, gross motor, fine motor, emotional, social and communication. Check the milestones your child has reached by the end of each age stage. Take this with you and talk with your child’s doctor at every visit about the milestones your child has reached and what to expect next.
Just because it's normal for toddlers to be picky, doesn't mean you should give up and give into their bullshit. Now more than ever, it's important to help shape their healthy eating habits. Here are some strategies!
As little ones transition from babies to active toddlers, they are usually on the go nonstop from morning until night! Toddlers will actually need more nutrients per pound of body weight to fuel all this energy. But still, their tummies are still small, that is why it is more important than ever to fill each meal with nutrient rich ingredients to make every bite count…
Home-made baby food is the bomb. It's nutritious, cheap, and way easier than you might think. Follow these 10 rules to make sure your little one's chow is healthy and safe!
Steaming fresh vegetables helps to retain their nutritional value. Always remember to wash veggies, even if they will be peeled before steaming. Removing the peel from the carrots does not impact their nutritional value. Most of their nutrients lie just below the skin.
Fruits that contain pectin, such as apples, pears, peaches, nectarines and plums, should be cooked before feeding to babies younger than six months. Cooking these fruits help break down the pectin, making it easier for babies to digest. Try different combinations of fruits, such as plum and peach or apple and pear!
Well, it’s that time of year again! Back to school means loud hot kitchen sex with your partner, silence as you drink hot coffee, lunch packing, and yup- lice! Learn how to avoid, identify, and get rid of lice right here in our handy-dandy lice guide!
Did you know that babies have more taste buds than adults? Luckily, these little taste receptors are highly adaptable. In fact, research shows that the more times babies are exposed to a food or flavour, the more likely they are to except it and even develop a preference for it. It takes a baby to try a new food up to 10 times before they decide if they like it or not. TEN TIMES! so, during this stage, when your baby is learning to eat new foods and textures, you have a great opportunity to teach your child to love delicious, wholesome foods! The recipes in this section provide a wide variety of nutrient rich ingredients and fresh flavours to grow on!
The development of separation anxiety demonstrates that your child has formed a healthy, loving attachment to you. Children will naturally outgrow separation anxiety, but in the meantime, here are some strageies to support and encourage your child during this process.
Ear infections are quite common in young children, because their ear tubes are short, wide, and horizontal, giving bacteria from the nose and throat access to the ears. But don't worry. Follow our tips to identify, get treatment and prevent future ear infections.
Lots of kids bite or hurt others, and there are many different reasons, and strategies for dealing with it. Sometimes younger children hurt others without meaning to. Some children bite, push, or hit just to see what happens, or out of anger. Remember, being a young child can be very frustrating.
Unfortunately, tooth trauma in kids is very common. I guess it makes sense with all the running and jumping and horsing around. Check out our guide for dealing with mouth injuries for babies, toddlers, and older kids, too.
Most children stop their sucking habit on their own by 3 to 5 years of age. If they continue after permanent teeth start to come in, it can cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth, alignment of the teeth or even cause changes to the roof of the mouth or jaw.
Parent’s need their kids to get a good night’s sleep just as much as children do, to ensure their own needs are being met, and to get some freakin’ time alone, okay?! GOD! Just go to bed!... pleasssseeeeee. BUH!
Tantrums start when toddlers are becoming more independent. The "Terrible Twos" often refers to a time when your child is more uncooperative, demanding and stubborn. It is not just a phase, and children usually don't just "grow out of it."
School-Aged Kids
How can sleep improve my mental health? It almost seems too good to be true: the idea that taking care of your physical health could have an impact on your mental health?!?! But, if you think about it, it makes all of the sense in the world.
This educational article was written to help parents, caregivers and families understand ADHD. To share current research and thinking on ADHD, it’s diagnosis and treatment.
Depending what you choose, maybe even all of them! These strategies can be incredibly effective if implemented properly, consistently and if the children are encouraged to try, adapt and experiment
The years from age 3 to 6 are an emotionally turbulent time. Your child may swing between extremes: He wants more independence, but he suffers from separation anxiety. Now more than ever, it's important for you..
Difficult afternoons turn into tough bed times, sibling squabbles, meltdowns, homework refusal and exhausted parents, can all happen as a result of after school overwhelm. If you too wonder if your child may the real-life version of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, fear not!..
This may be the most important test you ever take! If your child were to grade you as a parent, how would you do on your report card? Some moms and dads are finding out! Download your Modern Parenting Report Card here!
How you react to your child’s report card can impact his or her motivation, self-esteem and sense of control over his learning. Here are some tips on how to turn report card time into a constructive learning experience instead of a choice between a positive or negative encounter.
Having battles over homework? We're here to help. This workbook will help parents identify why homework problems occur, provide some useful strategies for keeping yourself and your kid on track, teach new ways of preventing homework problems, and more.
I don’t know about you, but no matter how prepared we are for school picture day, my kids come home with the most awkward looking pictures that I REALLY don’t want to spend 100’s of dollars on. So a few years ago, I decided to ditch the shitty, expensive school pictures, and take them myself! AND EVERYONE LOVED THEM! Here's what I did...
Just because it's normal for toddlers to be picky, doesn't mean you should give up and give into their bullshit. Now more than ever, it's important to help shape their healthy eating habits. Here are some strategies!
How can sleep improve my mental health? It almost seems too good to be true: the idea that taking care of your physical health could have an impact on your mental health?!?! But, if you think about it, it makes all of the sense in the world.
Communication is one of those things that we think we are born with and mastered by now, but the truth is- no one actually teaches us anything about it. Good communication is a skill, meaning that we actually need to learn and practice how to do it well. Here we look at some common challenges and mistakes couples make while arguing.
This may be the most important test you ever take! If your child were to grade you as a parent, how would you do on your report card? Some moms and dads are finding out! Download your Modern Parenting Report Card here!
Today you will find that most mothers have full-time jobs, and while women are rapidly increasing in participation in the work force, the division of household of chores and responsibilities is yet to have a fair matching change. “The degree to which housework is shared is now one of the two most important predictors of a woman’s marital satisfaction. And husbands benefit too, since studies show that women feel more sexually attracted to partners who pitch in."
Giving your beard a hot oil treatment is easy! Hot oil treatments are excellent for softening course hair, repairing split ends, and conditioning dry, brittle hair. Keeping your facial hair conditioned is necessary to prevent breakage.
Nothing dries out your hair and skin like the dreary months of fall and winter. Wind, cold, and indoor forced-air heating all do a number on skin. Dandruff acts up, your face gets flaky, and, oh, your poor beard! If you’ve got a big, bushy beard, then you need...
Most of us have been there at one time or another. Money is tight, and we still have to make sure everyone is fed. It can tempting to just pick up cheap processed food, and honestly there's no shame in the occasional KD for dinner, but it's actually still more costly than cooking from scratch, not the mention less healthy and wholesome. And yes, cooking from scratch takes a bit more time, BUT, take a deep breath, get the kids involved, use the tried-and-true tips below, and the MP meal planner, and before you know it you'll be enjoying planning and making meals and save money. Let's go!
Hey there you brilliant, sexy parents. Raise your hand if you've ever gone grocery shopping hungry and blown your budget on cookies and corn chips? Or you just shopped yesterday and now you have no freaking clue what to cook for dinner? I'm right there with you, which is why I designed and started using the handy dandy meal planner below. It's just one page, easy to take in at just a glance. Easy to stick to the fridge. Easy, easy, easy! Click on the download link below and you can start using this bad-boy to rock the supermarket!
Postpartum depression can be a very difficult experience. It’s important to remember that there is no such thing as a perfect pregnancy, perfect birth, perfect baby, or perfect parent. You are doing the best you can. And with care and support, you can recover and enjoy time with your family.
Is your baby-mama a hot mess? It's ok. The arrival of a baby is a magical time, but all the change (not to mention exhaustion) can take its toll on you, your partner, and the whole dang family. Here are 7 strategies to get your wife to stop crying, and make things easier for everyone (including you!)
What's for Dinner?
If you are a mushroom lover, you will adore this quick fix! With only three ingredients, plus some salt and pepper, this is a no fuss simple dinner idea!!
It's a nice change from regular chili, especially if tomatoes give your spouse heartburn! This chili is comforting, yet light at the same time. This is a dish I bring to family gatherings often because you can get it started ahead of time and just forget about it while letting the flavors all meld together.
With Thanksgiving right around, the corner I felt like it was a great time to share this recipe with all of you. Even though I love making ham as part of our Easter dinner, this slow cooker ham is wonderful for any holiday or even as a regular Sunday dinner!
We like to make meals throughout the week, and throw in our left over meats to make Jambalaya!If you are new to jambalaya, it’s a kind of smorgasbord of goodness you will fall in love with I promise. Seems like a strange combination but when sausage, shrimp, chicken, rice, and peppers all come together in a red sauce with cajun seasonings, it’s pure magic.
CrockPot Lasagna Soup is the perfect weeknight dinner! In this easy recipe, the slow cooker does all of the work to bring the goodness of lasagna and the comfort of soup together into one amazing meal.
Meatball recipes are often challenged by chefs who claim, "Mine are the best!" Even though these meatballs ARE the best, I will make no such claim. Try them for yourself.
I give you the option to use fresh OR canned OR jarred tomatoes! Either way I make it... there is NEVER leftovers in our house! One time I even made TRIPLE the sauce... and still- nope. Once you try this authentic sauce you made with pure love/ you'll never go back to store bought crap.
I’m always juggling burners and the oven to get everything to the table hot.. Cooking stuffing in a slow cooker, is pure genius! That and there is NEVER enough stuffing in the turkey! You can even make this ahead of time, to cut the time of cooking on Thanksgiving Day!
This SUPER easy one skillet "pot" pie.. makes it look like you traveled back in time and made a scrumptious potpie, from scratch. Here's how to actually do it!
Life is easier if there is less dishes. I get it. Here is a chicken dish you can make in one skillet! Super easy, and pretty tasty!
So tender and delicious! Your kids will love it, and not just because of the smelly-pee jokes!
As little ones transition from babies to active toddlers, they are usually on the go nonstop from morning until night! Toddlers will actually need more nutrients per pound of body weight to fuel all this energy. But still, their tummies are still small, that is why it is more important than ever to fill each meal with nutrient rich ingredients to make every bite count…
Hearty and wholesome and perfect for fall, this flavourful risotto is easy on the wallet and the pallet!
We love this risotto so much that we always make extra so we can have leftovers! Full of protein and oh-so-satisfying!
Oh Baby. When you've been busting your ass all day, and you're cold, tired, hungry and generally feeling spent, THIS DINNER WILL ROCK YOUR WORLD. It's super easy to make, and only takes 20 minutes start to finish. Bam! Comfort food at its freaking finest. Yummmmm...
OMG. This is my fav! Serve with a yummy side salad for a delicious and wholesome meal!
Uh kay, I'm gonna be honest...I thought this sounded disgusting before I tried it. But it's actually really freaking delicious! Like, I LOVE salmon now! It pairs great with a salad for a balanced dinner, AND it only takes half an hour to prepare. Yahtzee!
So this recipe seems incredibly hard at first glance, but it's actually really simple, and quick! Just 30 minutes, to make. Serve with your fav. salad to make it a meal. (P.S. you are going to want to make extra - because it's damn delicious!)
So you only have 35 minutes to prepare dinner, your kids are getting seriously hangry, and the in-laws are coming over? No worries. This dinner has everything you need. Your pee might smell funny (did you know asparagus does that?) but your bellies will be full!
Wild caught salmon is an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals (including potassium, selenium and vitamin B12), as well as omega-3 fatty acids which contribute to healthy brain function, the heart, joints, and general wellbeing. Plus it's hella delicious!
So you want to make home-made pasta but you don't want to spend the rest of your life kneading dough or hunting down pasta maker attachments? Bingo! Gnocchi! Toddler approved and easy to make from scratch!
Full serving of spinach! Plus, once you've tried this quiche recipe a couple times (it's really not that hard to master!), it's fun to experiment with additions like olives, bacon, cherry tomatoes, fresh herbs, and more!
The Modern Parenting Podcast
This new podcast covers the ups and downs of dating while being a parent, and how we cope as single parents (with maybe just a little left over resentment...). It's honest, probably a bit funny, and real.
Grab a coffee, and maybe some tissues...send the kids to the other room... we're about to get real about postpartum depression.
Hey Echo,
(Trigger Warning) I'm not sure what to even expect from this post...maybe just to vent or comfort somehow. I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. This first started a few years ago. I found myself pregnant with my current BF but at the time we were only dating for 5 months. I had an abortion because I was honestly too terrified to deal with the situation and felt like I could not tell my parents as they had never met him.
I feel like I rushed the choice and didn't think about it enough. I have regretted that decision ever since. I was in tears during the entire procedure (I was awake for it and in a lot of pain). It was very traumatic for me. I cried for a long time and hated myself. I still think about that baby sometimes. What gender would it have been? I think about how old he or she would be now, etc. I still feel extremely guilty…