Baby's First week home

Umbilical Cord Care
Try to keep the top of the diaper under the baby's cord to allow air to the cord.
- The cord will become black/brown as it dries, and will fall off 7 to 14 days after delivery.
- A small amount of dried blood is normal to see on the cord, it's usually caused by rubbing from clothes or a diaper.
- It is safe to bath your baby in an infant tub with the cord still attached. Dry the cord off well after, and do not use cream on the cord.
- If your baby's cord has yellow/green discharge, or has swelling or redness at the base of the cord, see a healthcar e provider.
Pees and Poops
It's best if you record all pees and bowel movements from your baby as soon as baby is born, and continue until your babies first visit to the doctor.
Urine: for the first week of life, baby should have the same number of wet diapers as days old he/she is.
- Day 1 = 1 wet diaper
- Day 2 = 2 wet diapers
- Day 3 = 3 wet diapers
- Day 4 = 4 wet diapers
- Day 5 = 5+ wet diapers
And orange/pink stain in your baby's diaper is normal and should stop after day four of baby's life. It's mom's changing hormones that make a little blood appear.
Stool: baby's bowel movements will appear different colours
- For the first 2–3 days baby's bowel movements will be black/green and sticky(tar poops), then green/yellow
- Day 5 breast-fed baby's bowel movements will be yellow/mustard colour
- If your baby has not had a bowel movement in 24 to 48 hours in the first week, contact your healthcare provider
Skin to skin
Placing baby on my mother's bare chest immediately after the birth, help the baby to stay calm, and decrease stress after birth. The baby can recognize the smell of the mother and hear her heartbeat, which is soothing and calming.
Benefits of skin to skin:
In the babies first hours of life skin to skin is soothing for baby, and helps the mother-baby bond. Skin to skin is the healthiest place to begin.
Benefits for baby:
- Helps with breast-feeding/ mat feed sooner and longer
- Stay warm
- Cry less and are calmer
- Have study blood sugar levels
- Are protected by some of mothers good bacteria
Benefits for mothers:
- More likely to have a successful 1st breast-feed
- Will make more breastmilk
- Learn when the baby is getting hungry
- Bond more with baby
- Gain confidence and satisfaction, caring for baby
- Helps baby feed it when sleepy
- Husbands/partners can enjoy these benefits too!!
How to do skin to skin:
- Take off all of babies blankets and clothing, leave on a diaper and hat
- Move clothing away from mother's chest
- Have baby facing mothers chest
Place a blanket over both mother and baby for warmth
Made popular by sleep experts and parents, infant sleep machines (ISM's) have become "must-haves" on baby registries and wish lists. But are they safe? A team of researchers set out to determine how loud these devices are and what impact they may have on a babies' hearing and auditory development.
Amazing! Baby is here. You made it through delivery, your heart has swelled (and maybe your feet, too), you've chosen a name, and you're ready to settle into your new life at home. Here's what you need to know in the first week.
In part one of our four part sleep guide, we cover 4 essential thing to keep in mind before you start sleep training.
Home-made baby food is the bomb. It's nutritious, cheap, and way easier than you might think. Follow these 10 rules to make sure your little one's chow is healthy and safe!
Steaming fresh vegetables helps to retain their nutritional value. Always remember to wash veggies, even if they will be peeled before steaming. Removing the peel from the carrots does not impact their nutritional value. Most of their nutrients lie just below the skin.
Fruits that contain pectin, such as apples, pears, peaches, nectarines and plums, should be cooked before feeding to babies younger than six months. Cooking these fruits help break down the pectin, making it easier for babies to digest. Try different combinations of fruits, such as plum and peach or apple and pear!
Did you know that babies have more taste buds than adults? Luckily, these little taste receptors are highly adaptable. In fact, research shows that the more times babies are exposed to a food or flavour, the more likely they are to except it and even develop a preference for it. It takes a baby to try a new food up to 10 times before they decide if they like it or not. TEN TIMES! so, during this stage, when your baby is learning to eat new foods and textures, you have a great opportunity to teach your child to love delicious, wholesome foods! The recipes in this section provide a wide variety of nutrient rich ingredients and fresh flavours to grow on!
Your baby's such an amazing sleeper! But suddenly started waking up several times a night and crying. Do you suspect that teething is the culprit? How do you know if this is really the case, and what can you do to help your baby feel better and sleep better? Don't worry. You're not alone, and we have answers.
Is your baby or toddler having trouble falling asleep? Staying asleep? Is he sleeping at odd hours making it hard for you to function? You're not alone. Far from it. Sleep disturbances can be one of the most overwhelming issues for both kids and parents. Check out our all about sleep guide for info, tips and strategies.
Ear infections are quite common in young children, because their ear tubes are short, wide, and horizontal, giving bacteria from the nose and throat access to the ears. But don't worry. Follow our tips to identify, get treatment and prevent future ear infections.
Unfortunately, tooth trauma in kids is very common. I guess it makes sense with all the running and jumping and horsing around. Check out our guide for dealing with mouth injuries for babies, toddlers, and older kids, too.
How can sleep improve my mental health? It almost seems too good to be true: the idea that taking care of your physical health could have an impact on your mental health?!?! But, if you think about it, it makes all of the sense in the world.
Life changes after the delivery of a baby, many couples have concerns about their sex life. Researchers have concluded that love-making drops to 40% during the year after childbirth. They have also found that open communication, regular sex, (even just a bathroom quickie) and time to just be a couple together, are the keys to remaining emotionally and sexually connected during the early months of parenthood.
Go the eff to sleep! Stay the eff asleep! Babies need sleep; and parents need their babies to sleep so they can actually get some alone time, romantic time, or (drumroll) sleep for themselves! Here are 12 reasons why your baby or toddler wakes through the night, and what to do about it.
Postpartum depression can be a very difficult experience. It’s important to remember that there is no such thing as a perfect pregnancy, perfect birth, perfect baby, or perfect parent. You are doing the best you can. And with care and support, you can recover and enjoy time with your family.
Is your baby-mama a hot mess? It's ok. The arrival of a baby is a magical time, but all the change (not to mention exhaustion) can take its toll on you, your partner, and the whole dang family. Here are 7 strategies to get your wife to stop crying, and make things easier for everyone (including you!)
Most surfaces around your home can easily be cleaned with kitchen ingredients that you probably have on hand, such as vinegar and liquid dishwashing soap. Essential oils add a pleasant fragrance; in addition many have antimicrobial properties! The following natural cleaners are non-toxic, inexpensive and easy to make.
It's human to "flip out." And it's okay! Don't be so hard on yourself! Did you know the brain literally flips out? It flips out so that the coordinating parts don't control the lower parts.Yes, it's for real.
As little ones transition from babies to active toddlers, they are usually on the go nonstop from morning until night! Toddlers will actually need more nutrients per pound of body weight to fuel all this energy. But still, their tummies are still small, that is why it is more important than ever to fill each meal with nutrient rich ingredients to make every bite count…