Balls to the Wall - Crack Balls!
- 1cup peanut butter (or any nut butter)
- 1/2 cup honey (more or less)
- ½ cup coconut oil
- Melt together in a pot on the stove.
- 2 cup large flake oats
- 2 cup of fillers ( Go fucking bat-shit cray-cray! These are YOUR balls! OWN THEM.) Filler ideas are; pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut, dried apricot pieces, dark chocolate chips, pecan pieces, walnut pieces, cranberries, pistachios, almond slices. (Try saying all that with a mouth full of balls!)

Not made with actual crack (or testicles), but they will bring a smile to your mouth every time because they're freaking delicious and way too easy. Plus, it's fun to say balls. Balls. (giggle giggle) Balls.
- Pour all the ingredients into one bowl, stick it in the fridge to cool. (1-2 hrs.)
- When cool, roll into balls and toss into the freezer until hard.
- When frozen, separate into bags.
- Store your bags in the freezer
- One more time…BALLS!
Another one of my daughter's famous recipes! Everyone loves monkey bread! I add bananas and pecans on my side of the pan. ;)
You know what I love about this pie? That you can be TERRIBLE at making pies and this one ALWAYS turns out the best! Why? because its literally no effort. Slab this here, slab that there, fold, and VOILA!
If you're like me, you have 20 neighbours with zucchini coming out of their ass. I opened my door everyday this week, to a bag of garden vegetables from family and neighbours with an overstock of MASSIVE zucchini, and I love it! But there is only so much my kids can eat, so i've resorted to sneaking it muffins.
These muffins might not be the healthiest, but they sure as hell are healthy looking! Make this recipe for a delicious dessert. If you want to make them for breakfast, throw a handful of oatmeal at them before cooking, and VOILA! It's basically breakfast. I won't tell if you don't, ;)
IF you love someone, and I mean REALLY love someone.. Use THIS Pie Crust recipe.
Be careful though, whomever you make this for, will fall deeply in love with you.
Granola. Topper of yogurt and power snack extraordinaire. What if I told you that you can be one of those Moms that make their own granola, and it will only take a few minutes. It's true. 5 steps. That's it. C'mon, be a rockstar!
Not actually made with crack (or testicles), but they will bring a smile to your mouth every time because they're freaking delicious and way too easy. Plus, it's fun to say balls. Balls. (giggle giggle) Balls.
Looks delicious right? This is exactly what they look like.
Just kidding. If you want to know what they really look (and taste) like, just follow the recipe. You'll be chowing down in no-time.
How can sleep improve my mental health? It almost seems too good to be true: the idea that taking care of your physical health could have an impact on your mental health?!?! But, if you think about it, it makes all of the sense in the world.
Communication is one of those things that we think we are born with and mastered by now, but the truth is- no one actually teaches us anything about it. Good communication is a skill, meaning that we actually need to learn and practice how to do it well. Here we look at some common challenges and mistakes couples make while arguing.
This may be the most important test you ever take! If your child were to grade you as a parent, how would you do on your report card? Some moms and dads are finding out! Download your Modern Parenting Report Card here!
Today you will find that most mothers have full-time jobs, and while women are rapidly increasing in participation in the work force, the division of household of chores and responsibilities is yet to have a fair matching change. “The degree to which housework is shared is now one of the two most important predictors of a woman’s marital satisfaction. And husbands benefit too, since studies show that women feel more sexually attracted to partners who pitch in."
Giving your beard a hot oil treatment is easy! Hot oil treatments are excellent for softening course hair, repairing split ends, and conditioning dry, brittle hair. Keeping your facial hair conditioned is necessary to prevent breakage.
Nothing dries out your hair and skin like the dreary months of fall and winter. Wind, cold, and indoor forced-air heating all do a number on skin. Dandruff acts up, your face gets flaky, and, oh, your poor beard! If you’ve got a big, bushy beard, then you need...
Most of us have been there at one time or another. Money is tight, and we still have to make sure everyone is fed. It can tempting to just pick up cheap processed food, and honestly there's no shame in the occasional KD for dinner, but it's actually still more costly than cooking from scratch, not the mention less healthy and wholesome. And yes, cooking from scratch takes a bit more time, BUT, take a deep breath, get the kids involved, use the tried-and-true tips below, and the MP meal planner, and before you know it you'll be enjoying planning and making meals and save money. Let's go!
Hey there you brilliant, sexy parents. Raise your hand if you've ever gone grocery shopping hungry and blown your budget on cookies and corn chips? Or you just shopped yesterday and now you have no freaking clue what to cook for dinner? I'm right there with you, which is why I designed and started using the handy dandy meal planner below. It's just one page, easy to take in at just a glance. Easy to stick to the fridge. Easy, easy, easy! Click on the download link below and you can start using this bad-boy to rock the supermarket!
Postpartum depression can be a very difficult experience. It’s important to remember that there is no such thing as a perfect pregnancy, perfect birth, perfect baby, or perfect parent. You are doing the best you can. And with care and support, you can recover and enjoy time with your family.
Is your baby-mama a hot mess? It's ok. The arrival of a baby is a magical time, but all the change (not to mention exhaustion) can take its toll on you, your partner, and the whole dang family. Here are 7 strategies to get your wife to stop crying, and make things easier for everyone (including you!)
The old stereotypes of fathers included being away a lot, having a stiff upper lip, teaching boys not to be sissies, and discipline. It's taken a lot of soul-searching and effort from awesome Dads to change all that. Here are some strategies to make sure you're setting a great example.
It’s not how much you make, but what you do with what you've got. Proper money management does not involve a magic formula to find more money. It simply means getting the most from the money you do have.
If you want to be all Martha Stewart and a total brown noser... or you've got a hot cable guy coming in the am to impress.. you know what to do..